Ethiopia Gesha Natural Ayele Fulasa
Sweet floral aroma, ripe peach, apricot, guava and fresh figs in the cup with a lingering jammy finish. Sweet, crisp and juicy – a knockout Yirgacheffe!
Werkasakaro, Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia
2005 MASL
Gesha GR1
Ayele Fulasa

Due to recent changes in regulation, even the little guys can now directly export their coffee to foreign markets and with Ethiopia’s staggering levels of varietal diversity, we believe that new amazing coffees are just waiting to be discovered. Just like this one!
Normally in Ethiopia the exporter makes most of the money and the cherry price is around 40% of the FOB price. By working with our import partners Sucafina, we are helping farmers like Ayele to export ensuring them 100% of the FOB.
This Naturally processed Gesha was dried on bamboo African beds for 21days with frequent turning and sorting of defect cherries while drying. Static and floating water tanks were also used to hand sort cherries before placing them on the beds.
To say this coffee has been popular around here would be an understatement. From our initial sample cupping to the pour over we’re enjoying as we write this, it’s sweet, generous and makes you want another sip.
Ayele Fulasa wants to find a home for ALL of his coffee in a market where he receives greater margins for his coffee. He is tired of having to work with brokers who have cheated him in the past. “You will love my coffee if you try it”, he says. “I put a lot of effort into making it and I want you to enjoy it!” Believe us Ayele, we are doing just that!!